Advanced Configuration

This chapter outlines ways to achieve custom and advanced setups.

Custom service configuration

In the previous steps you used the .env configuration files created in the Docker Compose directories config/aura-web, config/aura-playout and config/aura-recorder. In most common setup scenarios all configuration done with environment variables is sufficient.

For some more advanced setups or debug purposes, there are also sample configuration files for each service under /opt/aura/config/services/sample-config available. To overwrite any service configuration, simply copy its configuration file to the parent services folder.

Only use these overrides if you are an advanced user, or are advised to do so.

Additional Reverse Proxy in front of AURA Nginx

The AURA Web installation comes with a pre-configured Nginx Reverse Proxy included.

If you radio station has another Reverse Proxy in place, which is already used for all your other services, AURA Web can be integrated there as well.

Just ensure Let’s Encrypt on the AURA instance is disabled. Also, your Reverse Proxy should communicate with the AURA Reverse Proxy via HTTP only. Since communication between the two Reverse Proxies is not encrypted, make sure you are within a save, internal network.

Two Reverse Proxies on the same instance are not yet supported.

At the moment running another Reverse Proxy on the same machine is not officially supported with this setup, since there’s no possibility to close ports with an override.

Be aware, that the Docker Compose configuration opens ports both ports 80 and 443 by default. In order to change this behaviour, you will need to adjust the Nginx config and docker-compose.yml.

Configure your public Reverse Proxy (1st host)

  • The front Reverse Proxy must listen on Port 443 (HTTPS) and needs to route the incoming traffic to your AURA Web host via Port 80.

  • Your front-facing Reverse Proxy needs to terminate TLS.

  • At the moment URL rewrites are not supported.

Configure AURA Web (2nd host)

  • AURA Web needs to listen on Port 80.

  • Ensure CertBot you have not enabled CertBot by mistake (AURA_HOST_CERTBOT_ENABLE=false)

  • Ensure the base URL is matching your domain and has the correct protocol. This is especially important since the internal components need to know the exact URL how they are served publicly. For example Double-check that AURA_HOST_PROTO is set to https and the domain name is also correct.

Disable the included Nginx

If you wish to not use Nginx whatsoever, you can override the Docker Compose with the following content:

      replicas: 0

This disables the internal Nginx. Keep in mind the Nginx reverse proxy shipped with AURA does a lot of heavy lifting to handle all redirections and URL rewrites correctly, which you will then need to handle manually.

If you wish to expand the Nginx configuration you can put additional configurations into the custom-folder. Just keep in mind the config files need to have the .conf extension.