OpenID Client Configuration

AURA is using OpenID for authentication and authorizing access to restricted API endpoints.

More specifically we are using OpenID Connect (OIDC) for the OpenID handshakes.

Steering is the central OpenID provider. All applications requesting access, need to get an authorization from Steering.

Those applications are called OIDC clients.

Required OIDC Clients

In order to properly setup AURA, you’ll need to configure OpenID clients for Dashboard and Tank.

The registration and configuration steps below use the default hosts & ports.

In case of a Production Deployment you’ll probably have substitutions like following:

  • Steering: localhost:8080 →

  • Dashboard: localhost:8000 →

  • Tank: localhost:8040 →

Registering clients at Steering

Registering OIDC clients on the command-line

First navigate to your Steering project location.

  1. Create an RSA Key

poetry run ./ creatersakey
  1. Create OIDC client for Dashboard

poetry run ./ create_oidc_client dashboard public -r "id_token token" -u https://localhost:8080/oidc_callback.html -u https://localhost:8080/oidc_callback_silentRenew.html -p https://localhost:8080/

Important: Remember to note the client id and secret for the configuration section below.

  1. Create OIDC client for Tank

poetry run ./ create_oidc_client tank confidential -r "code" -u https://localhost:8040/auth/oidc/callback

Important: Remember to note the client id and secret for the configuration section below.

Registering OIDC clients via the admin interface

Follow these three steps to register Dashboard and Tank in the OpenID admin section of Steering.

Create an RSA Key

In the admin interface navigate to OpenID Connect Provider and generate a RSA Key.

Create OIDC client for Dashboard

Here you’ll need to choose following settings:

Client Type: Public
Response Type: id_token token (Implicit Flow)
JWT Algorithm: RS256
Require Consent?: No
Reuse Consent?: Yes

And enter these redirect URLs:


Note, that these URLs have to match exactly the ones you configure in your .env.development or .env.production files here in the dashboard source. This also means that if you use localhost in steering, you must not put or any aquivalent in your dashboard config, but use exactly the same string (and vice versa).

Note the Client ID to use in your Dashboard config file.


Replace image with a current screenshot of Steering

Create OIDC client for Tank

Here you’ll need to choose following settings:

Client Type: Confidential
Response Type: code (Authorization Code Flow)
JWT Algorithm: RS256
Require Consent?: No
Reuse Consent?: Yes

And enter that redirect URL:


Note the Client ID and secret to use in your Tank config file.


Replace image with a current screenshot of Steering

Setting the client configuration

When configuring a client, always remind yourself to use the actual hostname. When using the IP address for OIDC redirect URLs you might get unexpected behaviour or being unable to authenticate at all.

Configuring Dashboard

In the Dashboard folder, edit your .env.production or .env.development respectively, and carefully review if these URLs are matching the ones in the the Steering client settings. These URLs should match your Dashboard host:

VUE_APP_API_STEERING_OIDC_REDIRECT_URI = http://localhost:8080/oidc_callback.html
VUE_APP_API_STEERING_OIDC_REDIRECT_URI_SILENT = http://localhost:8080/oidc_callback_silentRenew.html

Then set the client id and secret, which you noted from the previous step:


Additionally, confirm that your configured Steering URL and port is also matching the instance Steering is running at:

VUE_APP_API_STEERING_OIDC_URI = http://localhost:8000/openid

Configuring Tank

In the Tank configuration file tank.yaml replace ${OIDC_CLIENT_ID} and ${OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET} with your client ID and secret, or set the environment variables accordingly.

Also review the given URLS.

  issuer-url: http://localhost:8000/openid
  client-id: ${OIDC_CLIENT_ID}
  client-secret: ${OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET}
  callback-url: http://localhost:8040/auth/oidc/callback